Rent camping gear for your cycling trip, trekking expedition or family camping outing. We have tents for 2, 3 and 4 people, sleeping bags, insulation and portable stoves. Hire all the equipment to succeed in your outdoor adventures.

Igloo tent for 2 people
Igloo tent for 2 people. Ideal for cycling and trekking due to its low weight and volume.

Automatic tent for 2 people
It can be assembled in 2 minutes, and disassembled in 4 minutes. Ideal for camping trips with a vehicle.

Automatic tent for 3 people
It can be assembled in 2 minutes, and disassembled in 4 minutes.

Automatic tent for 4 people
It can be assembled in 2 minutes, and disassembled in 4 minutes. Ideal for camping trips with a vehicle.

Sleeping bag kit + 5Cº with insulation
If you stop in dormis, remember to bring a sleeping bag.
Our sleeping bags are not for sub-zero temperatures. If you plan to camp in spring or fall, we recommend bringing a cold-weather bag.
Our sleeping bags are not for sub-zero temperatures. If you plan to camp in spring or fall, we recommend bringing a cold-weather bag.

Compact camping kitchen
Compact camping kitchen. Ideal for cycling and trekking due to its small size and weight

Camping stove
Camping stove. Ideal for family camping due to its safety and comfort.

Butane gas bottles and cartridges
Butane gas bottles and cartridges