
200,3 Km

Estimated time:

4 Dias





1- Very easy: A very easy circuit, is suitable for people who can ride a bike on flat asphalt roads and then stop without stumbling. You must have basic notions of braking and shifting. You must have sufficient balance to ride the bike in a straight line without making sudden involuntary maneuvers to the sides.

2- Easy: to pedal on an easy circuit you need to have fluid shifting management that allows you to climb an asphalt slope or pedal on a flat surface without making greater effort, optimizing the energy of your legs at all times. You must also know how to differentiate and use both brakes correctly, the front and the rear.

3- Intermediate: to pedal a circuit of intermediate difficulty, you must master the skills mentioned above, both on asphalt and gravel roads and on low difficulty trails. You must also have an understanding of the correct body position on different terrains and braking precision on slippery terrain and on descents. It is important that you skillfully handle the gear change, both the plates and the sprockets.

4- Difficult: a difficult circuit is suitable for experienced cyclists who know how to pedal on uneven terrain with obstacles, climbs, descents and adverse conditions, such as mud, sand or stones. The cyclist must have good control and control the bicycle at all times, optimizing performance through precise use of gears. It is also necessary to understand how to take advantage of the acceleration of descents to successfully overcome dirt climbs and obstacles such as logs or loose rock.

5- Expert: to master an expert level circuit, it is necessary to train regularly and have physical strength. The pilot must be able to perform jumps and maneuvers at high speed without losing control at any time. It is necessary to master all pedaling, turning and braking techniques on narrow trails with steep slopes of more than 30%, and know how to avoid obstacles such as steps, rocks, roots and slippery ground with mud or dust.


We cannot rate the physical difficulty of a bike route, since it strictly depends on the level of training that each person has. As a reference we can say that 35 kilometers by bike is approximately equivalent to 10 kilometers on foot. Circuits with many meters of ascent and gravel surface are more demanding from a physical point of view. In conclusion, we can affirm that a person with an average training, can pedal a distance of 35 to 45 kilometers without major inconvenience, during a period of 4 to 5 hours including rest stops.

If you opt for an e-bike, the physical effort decreases considerably, up to 60% less depending on your riding and pedaling skills.


1.516 mts


46 %


22 %


32 %

For Ebikes:


Crossing the Andes by bicycle is a classic. Do you know how many crossings of the mountain range there are between Chile and Argentina? 43. Yes, a giant number! Now, there is only one where you can experience navigating 3 andean lakes, connecting the land sections with your bicycle, departing from Bariloche.

Our suggested route begins in Bariloche. You must equip yourself in the morning and pedal to Villa Llao Llao. The GPS will take you through beautiful trails and gravel roads. You will visit the Moreno lake, and the historic town of Colonia Suiza. We recommend stopping there for lunch. The gastronomic offer is excellent.

After eating you will visit the panoramic viewpoint and the small circuit. You must spend that night near “Puerto Pañuelo”. We recommend Hostería Katy to spend the night.

On day 2 you should go to Puerto Pañuelo and embark at 9 in the morning on the Turisur catamaran that goes to Puerto Blest. Before noon you will arrive at the port. There you must pedal 3 kilometers to reach Lago Frías. At 12.30 you must embark to cross this lake. When you arrive at Puerto Frías, you must start the 30-kilometre ride to Peulla. In this section you must complete the customs procedures to enter Chile. Once you arrive in Peulla you must take the third boat of the day, to cross Lake Todos los Santos. This catamaran sets sail at 3:15 p.m. And it arrives in Petrohué at 5:00 p.m. We recommend spending the night in Petrohué, or at most, pedal 15 extra kilometers to Ensenada. No more than that.

Day 3 is easy. A ride with little unevenness and magnificent views of Lake Llanquihue, the Osorno volcano to your right and Calbuco to your left. You will end the journey in Puerto Varas. There you must coordinate with Cris from “Rueda al Sur” (+56 9 6840 3045) so that he packs your bike and you can return to Bariloche by bus with all the equipment (this procedure has an extra cost). We recommend spending a night in Puerto Varas to enjoy the place and prepare everything without rushing to return to Argentina. It is also possible to coordinate with a transport to pick you up in Puerto Varas. Private transportation is convenient for large groups.

If you prefer the minibus, write to Silvio to coordinate. Cell +54 9 2944 807120.

Turisur: Tarifa Bike&Boat



To view the route on your cell phone, you must first download application from GPS APPLICATIONS. Then download the route in .KML format with DOWNLOAD ROUTE button and open it with the application. You will be able to see the route and your relative position without data connection anytime, anywhere.